Friday, June 7, 2013

I I could cure one disease

If I could cure one disease I would cure sickle cell anemia! Because my cousin died last year from it and I miss him so much I wish there was something I could of done but sadly he's gone but I still feel like he's with us. I know he's up in heaven watching down on us and protecting us!

5 facts about sickle cell anemia
•sickle cell disease is the most common genetic disorder in the United States.
•people are born with sickle cell disease it doesn't develop in adulthood and it isn't contagious. 
•sickle cell disease is chronic but treatable and is not a death sentence 
•sickle cell disease affects people of many different races. 
 •patients with sickle cell disease require comprehensive care.

School in a perfect world

School in a perfect world really doesn't exist because there is always someone who is rude or is bullied people don't realize how there word affect other people. School for me is fun because I have such great friends that I wouldn't want to more schools even if other people are rude because everyone needs friends and in my opinion I'd you have good friends you are in a perfect school world. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

                                  I Believe!

          I believe that everyone is perfect! I also believe that everyone is unique in their  own way and they can NOT be replaced. I see people everyday getting judged about their clothes and what their weight is. 

                   There are people in our school who get judged and bullied but no one notices it because they don't say anything. They try to let it go but at the end of the day it hurts them so bad. They think no one likes them but they are really nice,funny, talented people but everyone is to busy to get to know them. 

                  If I could make the world a better place I would stop all the bullying because you think that the little things you say are jokes but they hurt. I wish people would value the differences and forget about  looks and weight and learn to know that everyone was created equal.


Thursday, May 2, 2013